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Documentation center

Access to the Documentation Center and the Photo Library: By appointment only
Contact : documentation@pavillon-arsenal.com 
Dedicated to Paris, architecture and urban planning, the documentation centre offers books, specialised magazines, daily and weekly newspapers, thematic and geographical files to all publics. Books on Paris, its history and current urban and architectural events, the life of its arrondissements, and documents tracing municipal decisions on Parisian development sit alongside general works on architecture and urban planning, monographs on architects and buildings, books on the departments or communes of the Île-de-France region, and books on Greater Paris. The documentation centre is thus a real working tool. It offers the most curious or the most studious the assistance and competence of documentalists who welcome readers and advise them in their research.


Specialised in architecture, urbanism and the city of Paris, the library renders available to all: books, specialised magazines, daily and weekly newspapers, thematic and geographic files. A fund of 70 000 photographies from 1940 to 1980 is also available for consultation.

5000 books
20 specialised magazines, daily and weekly newspapers
300 files on Paris and the Paris region (Ile-de-France)
10 years worth of archives of specialised magazine, accessible to all
Academic research
> Free consultation of the books, internet access on the desktop computers in situ, no loans, no photocopies.

The data base holds the list of the books available in the documentation centre as well as a selection of articles from specialised magazines, concerning Paris and the Paris region (Île de France).
You may consult it online or on the premises. It is the ultimate tool to prepare your visit, any time of the day or night.
Data base online here