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As part of the organisation of the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Préfecture de Police has set up a reinforced security perimeter known as the "grey zone" along the Seine. Because of its geographical location, the Pavillon de l'Arsenal falls within this "grey zone".

So to visit the exhibitions at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal between 18 and 25 July, apply for a Pass Jeu and book your free admission!

Please note that the Pavillon de l'Arsenal will be exceptionally closed on 26 July for the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.


Click here to book your free entry to the Pavillon de l'Arsenal  

To enter the area, you must show your Game Pass and your reservation for the Pavillon de l'Arsenal! 


Click here to apply on pass-jeux.gouv.fr  

What is the Pass Jeu?
The Game Pass is a QR code that acts as a digital pass. It is MANDATORY for access to the Pavilion between 18 and 25 July.

Who is eligible?
Anyone wishing to access the Pavillon de l'Arsenal between 18 and 25 July 2024, whatever their mode of travel (pedestrian, cyclist, motorised vehicle).

How do I obtain a pass?
1. To obtain a Pass Jeu, you must go to pass-jeux.gouv.fr (the Police Prefecture's platform): this is the only website authorised to issue this QR code.
2. You can request a pass for the "grey zone" surrounding the Pavillon de l'Arsenal (from 18 to 25 July inclusive).
3. You will need to provide proof of identity when you register: address of the Pavillon de l'Arsenal (21 boulevard Morland, Paris 4), full name, identity papers, passport photo and your reservation for entry to the Pavillon de l'Arsenal.
4. If you have any problems, you can get in touch with municipal services such as the Mairies d'Arrondissement in Paris, which provide assistance!
5. Your Games Pass will be sent to you once your application has been validated. PLEASE NOTE: it takes between 5 and 7 days to receive your Game Pass. Don't forget to check your SPAM!

How do I use my Game Pass?
You will need to show your Game Pass every time you wish to enter a "grey zone", accompanied by proof of identity.