
Césure, Paris 5

 From march 23rd to april 26th 2025  Césure, 13 Rue Santeuil, 75005 Paris 5, France
Opening: Saturday 22 March 2025
Event organised as part of the Télérama 2025 Museums Weekend

Proclamation and announcement of the results of the materia award 2025 - Amphitheatre
12:00-12:30: Exhibition opening - Exhibition area, Grand Plateau
2.30pm-3.15pm: Workshop ‘Des grains, magie sans fin’ - Workshop area, Grand Plateau
3.25pm-4.10pm: Workshop ‘From gesture to imprint’ - Workshop area, Grand Plateau
4.20pm-5.05pm: ‘Fibres of builders’ workshop - Workshop area, Grand Plateau
5.30pm-6.30pm: Show ‘Tierra Efímera’ by Colectivo Terron - Amphitheatre B
11.00am-6.00pm: Cantine Césure
11.00-19.00: Free tour of the exhibition - Exhibition area, Grand Plateau

Find out more about Visits and Activities

Earth, stone and fibres have conquered contemporary architecture. Thousands of projects of high technical, ecological and aesthetic quality are being built on all five continents. The democratisation of the use of these materials, which consume little energy and are available in large quantities around the world, is making a major contribution to reducing the exploitation of non-renewable resources and limiting the energy needs of buildings.

A challenge for contemporary architecture, the use of materials from the soil and fields is one of the most optimistic ways of building for tomorrow, by giving new meaning to the building trade. Local resources are being organised and developed, creating jobs and boosting local economic activity. Biosourced and geosourced materials are essential for post-carbon architecture, and are helping to drive the ecological and social transition.

The Materia exhibition and book, which follow on from the two editions of Fibra architectures (2019) and TerraFibra (2021), are dedicated to contemporary architecture in earth, stone and plant fibres. They highlight the aesthetic properties, constructive advantages and environmental benefits of 40 eco-constructions selected as part of the materia award. Materia reflects the desire to highlight exemplary renovation projects, emphasising the complementary nature of materials. The aim is to gain recognition for these buildings from the profession and the general public alike, highlighting the courage of the owners who chose these materials, the creativity of the designers and the expertise of the craftsmen and contractors.
Exhibition on show from 22 March to 26 April 2025
Free admission Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 7pm 

Exhibition and book, co-productions: 
As a producer of exhibitions and documentaries, a publisher of books and digital content, and a creator of debates, the Pavillon de l'Arsenal is currently on the move to various major Parisian venues due to major renovation work on its building. The Pavillon de l'Arsenal is taking advantage of this period to reach out to new audiences, invent new formats and become even more metropolitan.

The Grands Ateliers, a privileged place for technical and constructive experimentation and for bringing together architects, engineers, designers and visual artists. The originality and potential of Les Grands Ateliers enable this inter-institutional facility to host numerous training and experimentation modules, support the production of demonstrator prototypes and encourage research and innovation.
amàco supports professionals and future professionals in the fields of construction, architecture and design in the design and implementation of projects that transform locally available natural materials into building materials. amàco also supports the development of local production sectors for raw earth and plant fibre materials.

The Association Ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France (AOCDTF) is an association under the law of 1901, recognised as being in the public interest. It brings together tradesmen and women united around a single ideal: to enable each and every one of them to achieve fulfilment in and through their trade, in a spirit of openness and sharing. As a vocational training organisation, it aims to pass on both knowledge and know-how - by learning a trade - and interpersonal skills - by sharing values such as solidarity, fraternity and generosity. 

Exhibition co-curators : Dominique Gauzin-Müller, architect-researcher Yann Le Bihan, Les Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France, Louise Lemoine, Les Grands Ateliers, Zoé Tric, amàco, Exhibition presented at Césure, a third-location centre run by Plateau Urbain and EPAURIF focusing on the transmission of knowledge and know-how. The former Censier campus of the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University is becoming a place of unexpected knowledge, while awaiting its rehabilitation in order to experiment with new ways of learning from each other.