TerraFibra Architectures

35,00 € PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 2021 The book is in French and English

Authors : Dominique Gauzin-Müller & Aurélie Vissac

The use of bio- and geo-sourced materials provides virtuous technical solutions to adapt our construction systems and fight climate change as a result. Some have been used for centuries, while others are being invented today.

This book demonstrates the potential of these modes of construction by analysing the 40 finalist buildings for the TERRAFIBRA Award, the world’s first prize for contemporary architecture built with raw earth and plant fibres. Organised by technique (pisé, clay-based concrete, cob, adobe, pressed earth block, and plaster) or the material used (hemp, straw, reed, and bamboo), the projects testify to the commitment of these pioneering teams of architects, engineers, builders, and clients. They prove that we can build in a different way, by relying on local resources and know-how, without forsaking innovation. Rooted in a very specific sense of place, these frugal and creative architectures reveal the new horizons that await the world of construction and renovation.
Published by Pavillon de l'Arsenal, November 2021
Graphic design: Cover image © Iwan Baan
School and Teachers' Residence, Fass, Kaolack, Senegal
25 x 30 cm, 336 pages, 35 euros
ISBN : 978-2-35487-063-8

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